Structured Wire Gauze Packing

At HETP, Inc. we have specialized in the manufacture of structured wire gauze packing for the chemical process industry since their widespread adoption over four decades ago. Since this time, structured wire gauze packings have earned their place as one of the top performing and most versatile types of packing to be utilized by the industry to this day.

The success of HETP, Inc. Structured Wire Gauze Packing belongs to the unique characteristics of this type of packing that provides extremely high efficiency, low pressure drop per theoretical stage, and minimal hold-up compared to trays and conventional random packings.

HETP, Inc. Structured Wire Gauze Packing is manufactured from specially designed self-wetting wire gauze sheets that are uniformly perforated and corrugated. Capillary action and high surface areas result in maximum exposure between liquid and vapor phase, which equates to high mass transfer efficiency at very low liquid rates.

Our customers have found that HETP, Inc. Structured Wire Gauze Packing is the best value for both new and retrofit applications in terms of performance and cost per/Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate. Our packing is available in a variety of metals and alloys such as stainless steel, nickel, Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel and many others.


Due to the low pressure drop per theoretical stage, HETP, Inc. Structured Wire Gauze Packing performs exceptionally well in vacuum conditions that are often required for separations of many fine chemicals and thermally sensitive compounds. Additionally, the overall high performance created by intimate mixing of vapors and liquids within the corrugated channels of the packing, combined with excellent liquid spreading characteristics makes it an efficient choice for a variety of distillations at atmospheric pressures.  

The two primary types of structured wire gauze packing utilized by the chemical process industry are type BX and CY. Type BX structured wire gauze packing has a corrugation angle of 60° and has the lowest pressure drop per theoretical stage. While Type CY structured wire gauze packing has a corrugation angle of 45° and offers the highest number of theoretical stages per foot.

  • TEG Stills
  • Amines
  • Monomers From Plastics (MDI, DMT, etc.)
  • Fatty Acids, Fatty Alcohols, Fatty Acid Esters
  • Mono-, Di-, Tri-, and Tetraethylene Glycols
  • Glycerin
  • Organic Intermediates
  • Fine Chemicals
  • Food Additives (Flavors)
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Vitamins
  • Fragrances (Menthol, Nerol/Geraniol, etc.)
  • Separation of Isomers